Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I think that way..!!

While adopting the title for my blog, I was only putting my mind in place of a judge, and to judge the self in me. It got absolutely no intentions on judging others. This conscience is because the moment I start judging others, I’ll tend to forget myself. The conclusion I reach will be either a reflection of self or my willful intend. Whatever be the case, the questions that penetrates me then includes… Am I competent enough to judge him..? What is my locus standi to judge him..? etc etc, and the answer will be a big NO for sure. But if such questions are asked, I can have hope that I may reach the right path at some time in my life. And if no queries pop up, believe me, I’ll be stranded on the highway with a desert on one side and desertion on the other.

Who determines one’s life is a question which needs no big names or their quotes to answer. And who determines one’s thoughts needs only the one who think. Those attached (materially independent) either way to you may define depth of your insecurity, self esteem, unreasonableness, pre emption, pretendence and all other physical and / or mental drawbacks which they want to identify in you (for some personal gains) in their own ways and consciously believe and make others to believe that to be true.

Judging others is not easy. Even an attempt of that requires you to comply with the initial due diligence on yourself. Have I judged a decimal percentage on myself. If yes, then I may make my initial comments directly to them...!! and if no, then all the thoughts falls in the garbage of petty gossips. True there will be listeners even for such trash. They even encourage you to continue with your so called factual opinion.! You can continuously hit someone down harder and harder with your deeds and thoughts, but at the end of the day your deeds pave your feet(s)..!

Nobody is insecure for their material world. If someone says they are insecure, that is just the facet of their destiny. And further you may have to give an “inclusive” definition for matter. I have seen people who goes super secure on “Dialectical Materialism” (which even Karl Marx would not have dared) with the pretence of non materialist. Here you are nearing the Mcmahon line, where you may face a “made in china” bullet, irrespective of which side of the line you are stationed with your thoughts. Then you may not need to dig your own grave....

But is it not better to dig our own grave than to dig it for others …?

I think that way..!!

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